
Blue Sky Flyers Inc. is a corporation registered with the state of Colorado. The club owns the aircraft and other assets, such as cash on hand and supplies. The club currently allows only 75 members and each member has purchased a share in the corporation, owning a proportional interest in club assets. Thus, each shareholder is an owner and has a vote in most aspects of club operation. Blue Sky Flyers is a not for profit and no dividends etc. are paid on the shares.

Cessna Skyhawk


Meet The Board!

Blue Sky Flyers' operation is governed by the club's Bylaws and Flight Rules. The business of the club is directed by a nine member board. Day-to-day operations are overseen by the elected officers.

Club officers include a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Membership Officer, Utilities Officer, Safety Officer, Aircraft Maintenance officer, and Activities Officer. The Chief Flight Instructor is appointed.

An Annual Meeting is held each January at which Officers and other Board members are elected as their terms expire.  Additionally, quarterly meetings are held in April, July, and October. The quarterly meetings give members the opportunity to participate in all aspects of club business. After each meeting there is a safety program, aviation speaker, plane wash, or other club activity.


The club operates at cost - the actual cost of flying our aircraft. All members pay monthly dues, which cover our fixed expenses such as insurance, hangar rental, office expenses, etc. The hourly rates, based on Hobbs hours, cover operating expenses such as fuel and oil, maintenance, and engine reserves. All airplane expenses are cost accounted to each aircraft and hourly rates are set so that each plane pays for itself. As of April, 2022, the monthly membership dues are $100 with an additional $25 minimum flight charge if no flights are made during the month. The board retains the authority and responsibility to adjust dues and hourly rates at any time to cover current operating costs. Overnight and extended trips are allowed. Please refer to flight rules for details.


When becoming a member the application fee is $50 (refunded if the applicant is declined), (pdf Membership Application Form Link). After submitting the application to the membership officer with the required documents attached, a credit and background check is completed (pdf Membership Background Check Form Link). Upon approval of the board, the new member is required to purchase a share of club stock at a rate of $1,000. A non-refundable initiation fee of $650 is also required. The cost of a share is set by the board of directors. Generally, a share represents a proportional interest in the club’s assets (aircraft, supplies, and cash on hand minus debts), and then takes market conditions into account. Should a member decide to leave the club, they may sell their share to any individual who is approved by the board. A waiting list and get out list is maintained by the membership officer. Members are responsible for dues until the share is sold.


The club establishes its checkout requirements to parallel those required by our insurance company. Additional requirements unique to our club provide for optimum safety of members and equipment. These requirements may change and should be considered as a guideline only. The chief flight instructor will advise of all check out and currency requirements. The club membership currently includes eight FAA Certified Flight Instructors. BSF's insurance carrier (Avemco) requires that an insured club pilot:

  • Must have a current and effective medical certificate (unless a pre-solo student pilot);
  • Must satisfy the FAA's flight review requirements; and,
  • Must have received a check-out from, and written approval of, a certificated flight instructor in the same make and model as each insured aircraft.

Additionally, members are required to have an Initial Checkout by a club instructor prior to flight and maintain currency in each aircraft flown. If a member has not flown a specific type aircraft in a 6-month  period, a Check Out by a club instructor is required. Members are required to maintain a Flight Review (previously referred to as a Biennial Flight Review / BFR), Flight Physical and a Check Out with a Blue Sky Flyer instructor every 6 months. Club members are encouraged to participate in the FAA Wings Program. The club provides one hour of instructor time ($35-$50) per year to each member to help with these currencies.


Blue Sky Flyers is dedicated to keeping the fleet well maintained. Members may reduce costs by completing some of the allowed preventive maintenance (oil changes, etc.). The Maintenance Crew assists in preparing the airplanes for 50 hour and 100 hour inspections. They also do routine maintenance to the extent allowed under FAA regulations for an aircraft owner. The maintenance officer is responsible for arranging recurring and unscheduled maintenance. The pilot in command is responsible per FAR 91.7 and 91.403 for determining that the aircraft is airworthy prior to every flight. Squawks or maintenance discrepancies are noted on a Squawk clipboard in the clubhouse. The maintenance officer is then called to address the problem.

Assisting With Club Operations

Each member is asked to volunteer time to assist with club business or operations. The number of hours per year is set by the board and currently is 3 hours. Volunteering helps to keep the airplanes cleaned and polished and washing and waxing each aircraft quarterly at minimum. Other volunteer opportunities include crew members assisting in their field of training or special interest such as computer, record keeping, legal, accounting, writing, art and any other special skills. Those members who do not have time to participate on a crew may elect to pay for the volunteer hours at a rate that is set by the board each year (currently $25/hour) which is applied toward activities and/or airplane upgrades.


The Cessnas and Piper are housed in a single fully enclosed hanger.  Each plane has an individual powered bi-fold door for easy access.  The Varga Kachina is housed in a nearby T-hangar with a powered bi-fold door.  The club also has a separate small office on the field which has complimentary computer/web access for checking weather and updating scheduling.


Fly-outs are scheduled monthly to destinations of historic interest, scenic beauty, aviation events or other reasons to fly. Destinations have included places for breakfast such as Scottsbluff, Sidney, or Goodland and longer cross country trips to the Black Hills, Steamboat Springs, Sand Dunes National Monument, Salina Kansas Field Art, Bents Old Fort, La Junta, Thermopolis Hot Springs and many more. Flying with other member pilots provide excellent opportunities to learn. Two to three pilots per airplane will trade off flying the airplane and share the cost. Family members and friends are welcome when space is available. Each year there is a club picnic with members and their families as well as a TGIF for members and other businesses/FBOs on the airport. We also meet for breakfast once a month at the Barnstormer. In addition we participate in Greeley Weld County Airport events (fly-ins) and the EAA Young Eagles program, both on a voluntary basis.  See the Events page for past events